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2005-04-04 17:29:12
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The Enemies of Caesar

same thing can be anything you'd like, just follow the format. again, you can be both good and bad, like a spy or something.

Username: [test_drive]
Name: Lucius
Race: Vampire
Age: 370
Physical Description: Pale but dark for a vampire, dark shoulder length hair, ice blue eyes, fangs of a vampire, dresses in dark robes, tall and thin
Personality: He has been advisor to Ikilios' family for nearly 4 centuries. He is known to hold great wisdom and power for his age. Still, his family had been murdered by a descendant of Ikilios' long past relative and Lucius is still pissed about it. He has a bad attitude when he's mad, very good at hiding his true feelings, he is feared, and he is good at keeping secrets. after all, he's in command of the conspiracy against Ikilios while he's his most closest advisor!
Carries...: a tall walking stick made of black ivory, a dagger close at hand, just in case.

Name: Caius
Race: Human
Age: 17
Physical Description: Medium build and height, short blond curls and brown eyes. He wears a short toga, trimmed in gold when he is in Caesar's employment, and a deep red when he is not.
Personality:Caius is a spy for both sides (He tends more towards an enemy, which is why I put him in this section) so his own nature is a little devious. He tends to stay impassive, constantly cool and collective veiwing the world with a cold analytical eye. He has his warm moments but they are few and far between. He makes both friends and enemies very quickly, often based on political reasons, not on personality. He is not alone however, and has a ring of close friends whom he is very loyal to. Possibly the only people he is loyal to. He works as a messenger around the city and for Caesar, and his position makes him privy to things he normal wouldn't have acess to. He reports information as a spy both to Ceasar and to many of Caesar's known apponents.
Carries... Messenger bag of leather with sealed documents... the seals themselves are often fake, replaced after the documents have been read. Two ring seals, one of the house of Caesar to show his employment there and one of his own.

Physical Description: 5'3 with smooth olive skin, green eyes and long brown hair. Is slender and has a decievingly innocent looking face. Normally she wears long white robes with gold trim as to disquise herself as a priestess of Minerva.
Personality:Is very sweet and caring when happy but when upset she can be as dangerous as a rattlesnake. Melina works as a master thief making her living off the gold she steals from others.
Carries...: Melina carries a long bow her father gave her and a golden dagger.

Username: [Gunslinger]
Name: "Rouge general" Alexander Maximillius
Age: 26
Physical Description: He is an average man regarding height and weight 5'10, 200lbs. His blue eyes contrast the dark hair atop of his head. He carries himself with dignity and always carries out proper decorum. He wears a suit of armor resembling that of Rome, yet it is all in black and shows no sign of allegience to any country in particular.
Personality: A tactical genius, his has survived because of his fast wits and actions. He is loyal to his men and treats them as though they where family. Not does a day pass that he thanks the gods for their divine protection over him, but at times curses them for the actions that has lead him to be who he is. He had once been in the service of the loyal army of Rome. He had once been general to the armies and advisor to Caesar. Yet,after sweet wordly poison and manipulation Caesar declared him a threat to the empire. For this he tore at his army those loyal to him fled across the lands to what is now present day Spain. There he gathered the last of his soldiers, and began a war aganist Rome. For whom could defend Rome against the Romans themselves? He would have to try.
Carries...: A Spanish two handed longsword, family heirloom. The handle of the blade reads "Va con Dios, Dios va con tigo." It translates to "Go with God, God goes with you", the being whom the christians believe in.

Username: [the writer of poetic misjustice]
Name: shadow
Age: 16
Physical Description: He wears a long black cloak with a hood that put his face into shadow, he is tall for his age and athletic-looking, he's very slim with long red hair that covers one eye, underneath the cloak he has a crimson japanese karate suit with a black belt, his skin is very pale
Personality: Very secretive, doesn't talk but lets his actions do the talking for him, he uses stealth and the martial arts to get what he wants and until recently that was gold until ceaser had his family executed for a crime they did not commit, now hs only thought is revenge
Carries...: Two japanese daggers on hilts attached to the back of his cloak, these have a black and crimson hilt with japanese inscriptions in gold. He also carries a two meter long katana, styled in the same way as the katanas.

Username: [~The Virus~]
Name: Vicka
race: human
apperance: her skin is beautifully pale, her hair is black and curly. she's about 1,65 meters. Not very skinny, good curves.
personality: very serious, does anything for what she believes in. Takes what others say very serious too, so she can easily misunderstand things. Comes from a normal roman family. Because of her stubborn oppinions, she hasn't got many good friends. She works against Ceasar as a spy. Now trying to get into his inner circle as one of his lovers. Lets see if it works out!
Carries: Sometimes a couple of longbladed knives, on missions she brings a small purse with poison.

Name: Sarconia
Race: Human
Age: 21
Physical Description: Light complexion, mid-back length brown curly hair, light blue eyes. She is 5 foot 3 inches tall, and she usually wears tight fitting, revealing robes that show her curves, with normal roman sandals.
Personality: She is very manipulative, and Deceitful. She can lie very well, and she can make you believe something thats not true. She can play mind games, and does so to keep herself alive. She came from a normal Roman family, living in a veranda on the sea. She's trying to gaind access to Caesars inner circle.
Carries...: three daggers at all times.

Name: Arnora
Race: Human
Age: 20
Physical Description: A lean woman of everage height. Her long golden hair is held back in a windswept half ponytail. Her light blue eyes are cold and vigilent. She wears the dress of a celt from the northern reaches of the empire, a black linen undertunic and a tartan overtunic with fringed ends. Both are split front and back for riding. Plain breeches bound with rabbit fur over her lower leg and soft brown boots. A thick leather belt is tied around her waist and carries a couple of pouches, a horn and her sword.
Personality: Is unpredicable at best. She carries a great resentment tword the empire for what they had done to her land and people. She can be manipulative and decietful.
Carries...: A celtic broadsword and a long boot dagger.

Name: Corragh
Race: Human
Age: 25
Physical Description: A lean man, his clothes tattered but seem to have been nice at a point. He held many jobs before his unfortunate run in with the pirates. Spy, assassin, even captain at one point, all the way back down to a lowly cabin boy...never mind he had held the position as part of performing another job. An untidy mess of dirty blond hair covers his head and his eyes are gray as a stormy sea.
Personality: Unpredictable. He's unstable at best and can be quiet and cunning or downright violent. Skitsophrenia is quite a possibility or so some say.
Carries...: None at current but shows deftness and skill with any he might lay his hands on. He also has a striking ability to use none-weapons for the purpose of weapon.

Name: Amras MacGreen
Race: Scottish Elf
Age: 1234
Physical Description: A somewhat muscular elf, with green-blue hair, green chainmail, leather belt and a Scottish Kilt.
Personality: Pretty vengeful. He will kill you if you even push him. Although he wants peace and quiet rather than battle, he enjoys killing Romans as well.
Carries...: A longsword, small highlander dagger and a longbow. He also carries a round wooden shield, but he rarely uses it.

Username: [Roccoriel]
Name: Taoi
Race: Appears Human
Age: Unknown
Physical Description: A tall lean man with sallow skin and sleek black hair. His face is thin and his eyes a deep shade of green with a slightly hooked nose. He wears long robes of black and the darkest of emerald green.
Personality: Reserved and condescending in general, however Taoi is not above lowering himself so as to manipulate others. He tends to be secretive and mysterious. Choosing to withhold any information which is not immediatly important.
Carries...: An ebony staff with a silver top of a wolf and serpent entwined in battle.

Username: [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]
Name: Nilmawen
<b>Physical Description:
Her hair is black, flowing down to her waist. Her skin is flawless except the freckels that dot the bridge of her nose, with eyes the colour of the deepest blue that seem to be emotionless. Her whole body is shapely and for the most part covered by a roman dress. A cloak which she wears only outside is of the colour blood red and her favorite articule. She has no jewlary or expensive itams of any sort for she is just a lowly chamber maid.
Personality: her biggest trait is shyness. Rarely will she ever be seen talking to a stranger...Or anyone for that matter. She is quite a loner. No one has ever tested her temper before so no one knows how far she will go. She has a stubborn streak and has never been knowen to give up at anything. She has the gracfulness of a panther, which has proved useful for sneaking around...
Carries: A dagger for protection in a strip of leather on her thigh.

Username: [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]
Name: Calliope
Race: Human?
Age: Unknown, but looks to be 18 years old.
Physical Description: She has blonde hair that reaches down to the small of her back, which she usually keeps in a braid. She has icy blue eyes. She wears a white dress, a hooded black cloak (she wears this when she goes out in public), sandals, and white fingerless gloves. She wears golden hoop earrings and a few golden anklets and bracelets. She has a silver ring on her left-hand ring finger.
Personality: She keeps to herself most of the time. Caesar thinks that she's a witch, and wants her dead. She writes lots of poetry, and is constantly looking for a quiet place where she can write her poems. She was either named after or is the Muse of epic poetry. She often comes to speak with Athena (Minerva), Aphrodite (Venus), Hestia (Vesta), Ceres (Demeter), and Apollo in the temples.
Carries: A dagger and a sword.

Username: [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]
Name: Calliope
Race: Human?
Age: Unknown, but looks to be 18 years old.
Physical Description: She has blonde hair that reaches down to the small of her back, which she usually keeps in a braid. She has icy blue eyes. She wears a white dress, a hooded black cloak (she wears this when she goes out in public), sandals, and white fingerless gloves. She wears golden hoop earrings and a few golden anklets and bracelets. She has a silver ring on her left-hand ring finger.
Personality: She keeps to herself most of the time. Caesar thinks that she's a witch, and wants her dead. She writes lots of poetry, and is constantly looking for a quiet place where she can write her poems. She was either named after or is the Muse of epic poetry. She often comes to speak with Athena (Minerva), Aphrodite (Venus), Hestia (Vesta), Ceres (Demeter), and Apollo in the temples.
Carries: A dagger and a sword.

Username: [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]
Name: Calliope
Race: Human?
Age: Unknown, but looks to be 18 years old.
Physical Description: She has blonde hair that reaches down to the small of her back, which she usually keeps in a braid. She has icy blue eyes. She wears a white dress, a hooded black cloak (she wears this when she goes out in public), sandals, and white fingerless gloves. She wears golden hoop earrings and a few golden anklets and bracelets. She has a silver ring on her left-hand ring finger.
Personality: She keeps to herself most of the time. Caesar thinks that she's a witch, and wants her dead. She writes lots of poetry, and is constantly looking for a quiet place where she can write her poems. She was either named after or is the Muse of epic poetry. She often comes to speak with Athena (Minerva), Aphrodite (Venus), Hestia (Vesta), Ceres (Demeter), and Apollo in the temples.
Carries: A dagger and a sword.

Username: [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]
Name: Calliope
Race: Human?
Age: Unknown, but looks to be 18 years old.
Physical Description: She has blonde hair that reaches down to the small of her back, which she usually keeps in a braid. She has icy blue eyes. She wears a white dress, a hooded black cloak (she wears this when she goes out in public), sandals, and white fingerless gloves. She wears golden hoop earrings and a few golden anklets and bracelets. She has a silver ring on her left-hand ring finger.
Personality: She keeps to herself most of the time. Caesar thinks that she's a witch, and wants her dead. She writes lots of poetry, and is constantly looking for a quiet place where she can write her poems. She was either named after or is the Muse of epic poetry. She often comes to speak with Athena (Minerva), Aphrodite (Venus), Hestia (Vesta), Ceres (Demeter), and Apollo in the temples.
Carries: A dagger and a sword.

Username: [dark cleric]
Name: Brutus Cassius
Race: Human
Age: About 30
Physical Description: Standing at an amazing 6'5", he seems to be lost in thought most of the time about a few things, across his face runs a dark scar from his left ear to his right, his long black hair rolls down his back in black curls
Personality: A dark forboding person who seems to always be suspicouse of every one around him, he is a fallower of Ares (Mars, God of War), and is an excelent fighter
Carries: A sword as well as a steel broad sword.

Username (or number or email):


2004-02-03 [test_drive]: k, sorry, i had to put in the main bad guy...ehehehe. n i made everything bold so that its easier to read. hope ya dont mind!

2004-02-03 [cheesemonkey]: enemies of the caesar! beware! beware!!!! (i have a feeling im gonna haveta be serious in this RPG)

2004-02-03 [Hutch]: none wants to be brutus?

2004-02-03 [test_drive]: brutus??

2004-02-03 [Hutch]: aaaaaaaaaaagh!

2004-02-03 [Hutch]: ever read the play? If not that's okay.

2004-02-03 [test_drive]: lol, nope...never read a play...bout

2004-02-03 [Hutch]: lol it's ok. In the play Caesar, wins a war and wahtnot. so Rome's considering making him the Emperor. there's this dude Cassius who doesn't relaly like caesar and im pretty sure he's jealous. So he turns Caesar's best friend (Brutus) against him. They're plannignt o assasinate Caesar along with a few other people. Cassius out of jealousy and whatnot. brutus, for just reasons, he doesn't want Caesar to become a dictator and ruin Rome, altohugh he's his best friend.

2004-02-03 [Hutch]: then when they were all stabbing caesar to death Caeser looked up to Brutus and says " Et Tu Brute?" it's latin and whatnot, so hes saying You too Brutus? So he dies knowing heis best friend stabbed him in that back

2004-02-03 [cheesemonkey]: hmm...then i guess Lucius is somewhat of a Brutus...he's the caesar's advisor......hmm...but the caesar doesn't have a best sad...i want a best friend...(im caesar, btw..*grins*)

2004-02-03 [Hutch]: then there's a war between Cassius, Brutus, and Mark Antony (he's Caesars friend too) and Octavious Caesar (Caesar's nephew) Ermm and Brutus and Cassius comitt suicied as well ad about 30 other people in the play

2004-02-03 [cheesemonkey]: *tear* thats so sad....

2004-02-03 [Hutch]: sorry but i laughed throughout the whole thing

2004-02-03 [Hutch]: it's just so... blah. because people are really like that and whatnot

2004-02-03 [cheesemonkey]: lol

2004-02-03 [thestranger]: My guy's name is almost Cassius, should I just change him to that, or are we straying from the plot of the play?

2004-02-03 [test_drive]: no, leave ur name....ours is different from that of the play

2004-02-03 [thestranger]: yay!

2004-02-03 [test_drive]: hehe

2004-02-03 [Hutch]: but there was also a conspirator with your character's name

2004-02-04 [test_drive]: really?

2004-02-04 [Hutch]: yup im pretty sure of it, but t doesn't matter

2004-02-06 [~The Virus~]: when you're going to edit the site, what's all the bs and stuff before and after for an example race and stuff like that? (I'm such a beginner..)

2004-02-06 [test_drive]: the < b > makes the text bold and the < i > make the text italics n stuff

2004-02-06 [~The Virus~]: I see, so you don't actually need those?

2004-02-06 [test_drive]: not unless ur trying to accent something, like showing thoughts in italics and maybe loud noises in bold

2004-02-06 [superbazorro]: only if u want bold or italtics

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